July 13, 2022 (updated 8/8/2022):
Dear Friends of the EEE Forum,
Greetings! Last December, the EEE Forum hit the “Pause” button after eight years of providing monthly forums during the academic year on timely and important public policy issues.
This fall, we will be co-facilitating an eight-week course on “Beyond GDP: The Ongoing Search to Measure ‘Wellbeing’.” This noncredit course will be offered through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Denver. We will meet online for 2 hours each week on Wednesday afternoons (1-3pm, Mountain Time), beginning September 14th.
The detailed Course Description and Syllabus are available at https://eeeforum.org/beyond-gdp/.Engaging the notion of “wellbeing” will necessarily touch on many topics addressed in past EEE Forums, such as health, education, food and housing insecurity, climate change, income and wealth inequality, and voting rights. You might think of the course as a weekly succession of 8 EEE Forums around the unifying theme of measuring “wellbeing” and closely related concepts of sustainable development, quality of life, etc.
Participation requires registration through OLLI at DU and prepayment of a membership fee ($400 per year, or $140 per term) for unlimited courses as long as space is available. An Introductory Membership is available for $50 which allows registering for one course of the member’s choice. For more information about OLLI at DU and to register, visit http://portfolio.du.edu/olli. Our course is listed on pp116-17 of the Course Catalog.
David Carlson, EEE Forum founder

Paul Belanger, EEE Forum webmaster

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Video recordings and slides are available for most forum sessions as indicated at the end of each forum summary. The goal is to also make available on the EEE Forum YouTube channel here: EEEFORUM YouTube VIDEOS – PLEASE SUBSCRIBE (it’s free)
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Many thanks to our outstanding speakers
of 2021 before our “pause”!!
See Recent Forums tab for details, slides and recordings.
- JAN — Moving Ahead on Climate Change: U.S., World, Colorado
- Phil Nelson, Robert Youngberg, Marie Venner
- FEB — Moving Ahead on Climate Change with Diverse Leadership
- Isabel Mendoza, Sonrisa Lucero, Gabriel Otero, Tezcatli Diaz
- MAR — Forests: Lungs of Our Planet and Cities
- Dana Coelho, Jorge Figueroa, Ian Leahy
- APR — Regenerative Agriculture: Healthy Soils and Working Lands
- Max Neumeyer, Helen Silver, Lesli Allison
- MAY — Food Systems and Food Insecurity in Colorado
- Julia Char Gilbert, Wendy Moschetti, Becca Jablonski
- SEP – Digital Equity in Colorado: High-Speed Internet Access and More
- Antonio Martinez, Susan Hakanson, Michael Bevis
- OCT — How Spend $500 Million in Coronavirus Funds for Colorado Housing Needs?
- The Honorable Steven Woodrow, Alison George, Cathy Alderman, Steven Cordova
- NOV — The Right to Vote: The National Context and Colorado’s Story
- Doug Spencer, Terrance Carroll, Jeanne Clelland
Information about each of these past Forums is available under the tab, “Recent Forums”
David Carlson, EEE Forum Founder and Convener
Paul Belanger, EEE Forum Webmaster