11:41:03 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: please don't let others in except speaker until later 11:50:23 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: https://youtu.be/1BHOflzxPjI 12:13:41 From Paul Belanger to Maureen Dudley(Direct Message): is this working? sound? 12:14:00 From Chris Evans-Klock to Everyone: Did you mazimize the sound under screen sharing? The audible quality is poor, 12:21:39 From Paul Belanger to Chris Evans-Klock(Direct Message): thanks for the guidance -I forgot where that share sound was 12:34:48 From Paul Belanger to Chris Evans-Klock(Direct Message): the video was 12/2014; the book in 2017 12:37:54 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: I agree, it's a long shot. yet, I think it's an awesome model to try to work towards. I think it's a great way to shift our underlying ideas of what our economy can become. I think just learning this model moreso than other models would plant the seeds to grow towards its implementation, 12:44:58 From David Carlson to Everyone: Sapiens . . . 13:01:07 From David Carlson to Everyone: Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) 13:01:53 From David Carlson to Paul Belanger(Direct Message): Paul, we need a few minutes for Q and A, if possible. 13:09:53 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: I love what Paul said, "For those saying 'it can't be done' get out of the way of those who are doing it." 13:23:25 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: https://www.thealliancecenter.org/ 13:48:14 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: https://cdle.colorado.gov/the-office-of-just-transition 13:51:43 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: Back in the 80s and 90s with continued contraction of oil and gas exploration, companies like Amoco and other majors, had funds to retrain professionals. I know one friend that went from geology to an environmental engineer. It didn't seem to help technical staff etc. 13:55:20 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: biochar as an amendment to improve soil health - AND sequester carbon for hundreds of years - a WIN-WIN for AG and for the climate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biochar and us biochar 13:58:33 From Paul Belanger to Brenna St. Onge(Direct Message): you probably know Ron Larson - a former neighbor and colleague - who's been active with the Alliance center - I was too before moving to Whidbey Is, WA 3 1/2 years ago 13:58:58 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: US biochar https://biochar-us.org/ 14:00:20 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: Brenna - can you provide links for us to pass on to the class? 14:03:05 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: climate change - we need both private and government partnerships 14:03:33 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: Bravo Brenna! great presentation. a lot of food for thought here. 14:04:04 From Paulette Yeatts to Everyone: Very informative presentation. 14:04:28 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: And also to Paul, thank you! 14:06:35 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: this gets into the xcel retiring coal plants early 14:08:24 From Brenna St. Onge to Everyone: B corps 14:08:48 From Brenna St. Onge to Everyone: https://www.bcorporation.net/en-us/ 14:10:16 From Brenna St. Onge to Everyone: https://www.thealliancecenter.org/ 14:10:36 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: its a really beautiful building. definitely worth visiting.