11:33:45 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: I'll be right back - talking to Paul Sutton 11:54:34 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: using a new piece of tech here so I'm trying to figure out my setup here. hi everyone. happy to be here 12:02:13 From Alec Tsoucatos to Everyone: Tim Jackson has a TED talk on YouTube on Steady State. Look it up ti’s very good. 12:13:54 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: posted here https://eeeforum.org/beyond-gdp/beyond-gdp-olli/ 12:14:47 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: here the TEd Talk Alec refers to https://backyardbend.com/how-the-steady-state-economy-can-save-the-planet-and-promote-human-flourishing/ 12:17:40 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: the divergence in the curves of GDP vs GPI is also the result of the added cost of extreme weather events (wild fires, more extreme storms) that add to the GDP but not our GPI 12:18:56 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: MARYLAND'S LINK HERE https://dnr.maryland.gov/mdgpi/Pages/what-is-the-GPI.aspx 12:28:22 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: David puts notes in PowerPoint slides; I've been posting a PDF version of his slides and other presenters - they do NOT contain his notes; If you wish them email me at pebelanger@glassdesignresources.com and I will send you the pptx file that has those notes 12:28:33 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: Oregon link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_Progress_Board 12:42:02 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: John et al - there's no perfect measure - but the divergence between GDP and GPI as we move forward in time is PARTIALLY the result of extreme weather events (especially wildfires, floods, hurricane damage) that move GDP up but, as 12:42:37 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: ….as David highlights - does not add to our well being (sorry - I hit enter) 13:16:23 From Rick Davis to Everyone: Great comment on population! No one ever touchwea on that, treating it like a third-rail issue instead of a real issue. 13:25:15 From Sally Isaacson to Everyone: cant hear 13:25:50 From John Lodenkamper to Everyone: need to "share sound" 13:33:54 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: “People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it!” George Bernard Shaw 13:37:01 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: Oxford Debate: "How to Save the Planet: Degrowth vs Green Growth?" https://youtu.be/YxJrBR0lg6s moderated by Kate Raworth 13:50:22 From David Carlson to Everyone: Please put questions in chat that we can respond to next time. 13:55:52 From Emily Nagle to Everyone: I agree the measurements need to shift towards measuring wellbeing. I guess my skeptical side wonders: will policy makers use wellbeing indicators if they aren't rigged towards their favor? 14:01:25 From Paul Belanger to Everyone: https://eeeforum.org/beyond-gdp/beyond-gdp-olli/